Setting up Total Commander.

After you install the program on your computer and open it for the first time, go to "Net" > "FTP Connect..." or press CTRL+F.

In the window that opens, click "New connection..." — a form for creating a new account will appear.

The fields must be filled in as follows:

  • Session: enter the name of the new account. This name can be any — at your discretion (in our example it is .hostetski).

  • Host name[:Port]:,

  • User name: uXXXX, where uXXXX is the name of your FTP user.

  • Password: password for access to your site via FTP protocol.

Be sure to check the box "Use passive mode for transfers (like a WWW browser)" and click on the "OK" button.

Now, in order to connect to your virtual site, just go to the "Net" > "FTP Connect..." section (or press CTRL+F), then select the created account in the window that opens and click on the "Connect" button.